
Official page

Pimp my [r]ide !

Let'start by the mother of all sublime plug-ins : Package Control.

The simplest method of installation is through the Sublime Text console. The console is accessed via View > Show Console menu. Once open, paste the the Python code into the console.

import urllib.request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp = sublime.installed_packages_path(); urllib.request.install_opener( urllib.request.build_opener( urllib.request.ProxyHandler()) ); open(os.path.join(ipp, pf), 'wb').write(urllib.request.urlopen( '' + pf.replace(' ','%20')).read())

Sublime Text packages

Sidebar Enhancements

Sidebar Enhancements

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for SideBarEnhancements and click enter.



Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for Alignment and click enter.

Color Highlighter

Color Highlighter

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for ColorHighlighter" and click enter.

QA Tools



Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for DocBlockr and click enter.

Basic usage

Type /** or /* then enter

PHP CS-Fixer

Requires php-cs-fixer to work.

PHP CS-Fixer

The PHP Coding Standards Fixer tool fixes most issues in your code when you want to follow the PHP coding standards as defined in the PSR-1 and PSR-2 documents. CS-Fixer on Sensio-Labs

Basic usage

Auto-correct files on save (Ctrl S), according to basic or user rules.

Sublime Linter

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for SublimeLinter and click enter.


Requires NodeJS and csslint node package to work


npm install -g csslint

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for CSSLint and click enter.

Basic usage

Search for CSSLint: Run CSSLint from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X or use a keyboard shortcut (by default this is Ctrl+Alt+C).

Change this by adding something like the following to your key bindings:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+c"], "command": "csslint" }


Requires NodeJS to work.


Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for JSLint and click enter.

Basic usage

Make a multi-line selection, or multiple selections Press Ctrl Alt A on Windows and Linux, or Cmd+Ctrl+A on OS X


Requires lessc installed on PATH.


Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for Less2Css and click enter.

Git Gutter


Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for GitGutter and click enter.

Markdown Preview

Markdown Preview

Provides markdown preview in browser.

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for LESS and click enter.

Basic usage


Monokai Extended


Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for MonokaiExtended" and click enter.


LESS Highlighting

Provides syntax highlighting for .less files, along with snippets and completions.

Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for LESS and click enter.


Select “Install Package” from the Command Palette: Ctrl Shift P on Windows and Linux or ⇧⌘P on OS X Search for DaylyReese Colour Scheme" and click enter.

Custom build systems
